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          How to use ChatMT Themes for different CMSes


          How to use ChatMT Pluginss for different CMSes


          How to use ChatMT Codess for different programming languages


          How to use ChatMT APIs


          How to use ChatMT UI/UX stands for Chat MT Documentation , it's a cutting edge AI App even stronger than AGI and ASI to empower everyone personalize their efficiency and speed of answers received in different taks at the same time. It’s developed and keeps updating by ChatMT team to always be ahead of Artificial Intelligence technology you can imaging .

ChatMT Docs


Chat MT Docs

AI Docs

AI Documentation

AI Document

Document AI

A.I Docs


Docs , AI Docs , A.I Docs , Documentations

What is an AI Docs?

Document AI is a document processing and understanding platform that takes unstructured data from documents and transforms it into structured data (specific fields, suitable for a database), making it easier to understand, analyze, and consume.


What is AI document processing?

It starts with intelligent document recognition, when IDP uses complex deep-learning AI technology to scan documents and classify them. This technology can be trained in up to 190 languages and is capable of reading and interpreting documents much like a data processing worker would.